Verified & Reputable Agents
We keep only verified, reputable travel agents in our database. When you request a booking with us, we will direct you to one of the agents registered with us. If your preference is an agent from your location, we will give priority to agents located near you, else it will be passed to local agent in Sri Lanka.
No booking fees
We do not take a booking fee from you. Travel @VisitSriLanka .com will guide you appropriate accommodation, tours and travel agents. This service is for free.
All your booking fees / payments and price negotiations, you will directly deal with the appropriate owners/ agents.
Negotiate price for you
As we regularly deal with travel / tour agents, you might find us understand the local travel market better. If you think you are not getting a reasonable price for your travel plan, we can help you negotiate with the service provider for a better deal. However, please note, this service will require a service fee depending on the complexity of your requirements.