- September 5, 2018
Safety tips for deal
- Use a safe location to meet seller
- Avoid cash transactions
- Beware of unrealistic offers
40% OFF! Folding Canopy Tent with PowderCoated Frames (3x3m) worth Rs.16,285 for just Rs.9,999!
.It iswidely used for commerce, residence community, family, places of entertainment,outside wedding, sports event, party, exhibition, trade fair, product show andcelebration.
Steel framed outdoor pop-up canopy tentsare widely used in outdoor parties and events, trade fairs and exhibitions.Easy to set up, saves space and fully portable.
– Sets up in just minutes
– 100 square feet of shade (approx)
– Dual canopy vents
– Heavy-duty polyester canopy
– 50 plus UV protection
Measures: 3x3m (118.12″x118.12″)
Construction: polyester and steel
Height: 2.82m( 111″)
Weight: 13.5kg approx.
පසුතැවිල්ලට පහසුමපහසුවිසඳුමක්….
විශේෂිතUV ආරක්ෂාවතහවුරැකලකැනපියනිවසටමගෙන්වාගන්න.
* 50% අහිතකරUV කිරණවලින්වනවර්ණයටසිදුවනහානියවළක්වයි.
** 100%තදඋෂ්ණත්වයනිසාඩෑෂ්බෝඩයටහාඅභ්යන්තරඋපාංවලටවනහානියවළකයි.
**** ඔ්නෑමතැනකලේසියෙන්හාපහසුවෙන්සවිකරගතහැක.
***** නිවසටමගෙන්වාසවිකලපසුමුදල්ගවීමේපහසුකම.
Please mention VisitSriLanka.com when calling seller to assure them and hopefully get a good deal.